It is common for me to talk to someone about updating their will or getting a health care power of attorney in place, and then not hear from them for months or even years. Most people don't want to deal with the subject of their own mortality. They don't want to think about not being able to take care of themselves. It's understandable.
We'd all like to think we'll grow old like Betty White. Fabulous and functioning well beyond the norm.
While this is a great attitude to have and an even better goal, no one knows exactly what is in store. After helping someone with their estate plan, the common response is....wait for it...relief. All the pressure is gone. All the wondering and concern is just gone. It is such a weight lifted off their minds. Think about it. How many times a month, or a week, or a day, do you consider needing to get your affairs in order. Do you have loose ends that you could forget about if you just took care of them? This is your sign to do something about it.
So just do it. And live your wonderful, fabulous Betty White life.