SPECIAL NEEDS TRUSTS and supplemental needs trusts

We can create a Supplemental Needs Trust if you would like to leave assets to a loved one, but need to preserve their government benefits such as SSI or Medicaid.  We can also create Special Needs Trusts for disabled persons with financial resources of their own.  For example, if someone is disabled in a car accident, litigation proceeds can be funded into a Special Needs Trust, so they can receive necessary government benefits such as Medicaid.  

A Special Needs Trust or Supplemental Needs Trust can be used so a disabled person can maintain government benefits.  Plan for adults or minor children with disabilities.

Protect your Child from an Estate Planning Blunder

Don't endanger your child's government benefits.  Be sure to:

  • Consult with an attorney knowledgeable about Special Needs Trusts and Supplemental Needs Trusts
  • Have an estate plan in place that contemplates the unique situation of your Special Needs Child
  • Prevent the government from accessing money you leave behind for your child
  • Protect your child from others who may try to take their money
  • Nominate a guardian for your child
  • Appoint a Successor Trustee for any trusts you set up for your child